Standards, Not Rules

At Inland, our culture isn’t about rules. It’s about standards on how we all behave as a team. We believe that our 4 key standards create a work environment that produces positive momentum that ultimately leads to success for both employee & customer.

Be The Light

Have a positive attitude. Be the difference you want to see. Go the extra mile, smile & be grateful.

Be Respectful

Treat people the way you want to be treated. Have respect for everyone we work for & everyone we work with.

Have Patience

Never give up. Keep going & be aggressively patient. Put in the work and the results will show.

Think Forward

Regardless of success or failures, we must always look ahead. A thinking forward mindset will always push us closer to perfection. Never settle, always move forward.

Do What's Best

Our goal is to service our customers with the best of the best customer service. The only way this is possible, is to have the best of the best PEOPLE. We live in a world where people are a reflection of their environment, so it’s in our BEST interest to have the best of the best work environment. That’s real success.